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Our Blog

Where to See Fall Leaves in Hershey, PA

September 29, 2024

Summer is officially over. Pack away the flip-flops and beachwear, and pull out the wooly sweaters and cozy socks! We love this time of year as we slowly transition out of the sultriness of summer into the blissfully cool days of autumn. Porches are decorated with orange pumpkins, brightly colored mums line the steps, and […]

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The Timelessness of An Antique Car Show

September 4, 2024

What is it about seeing an antique car that makes you feel happy? Timelessness. Hear us out. When you are young and see a classic car, you feel a sense of wonder. What was it like “back in the day”? Questions run through your head. Can you imagine when there were no seatbelts, electric windows, […]

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Five Things to Do in Hershey in the Fall

August 12, 2024

Where did our summer go? One minute, we were talking about Independence Day, and now it’s August. Mid-August, no less. Back to school, back to work, and dare we mention the holiday season that is fast approaching? Yikes. It can all seem to move so quickly. But instead of charging full steam into the winter […]

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Happy Camping in Hershey

July 26, 2024

We, the people, are part of a rich tradition of camping that spans back to the early days when nomadic tribes would travel out of necessity for food, resources, and better climates. This tradition continued as explorers and settlers camped as they moved into new territories. In the late 19th century, camping began to gain […]

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Our Favorite Things: Ole Mill Soap Co.

July 11, 2024

We love supporting small businesses. They are part of what makes our communities grow and thrive. When you visit The Inn on Church Road, you will notice that we have tried our best to use fresh and local whenever possible. Our kitchen is filled with locally sourced meats, eggs, and produce, and we even have […]

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Happy Fourth of July!

June 23, 2024

At The Inn on Church Road, we take pride in our unique celebrations, and one that stands out is our Independence Day festivities. Our walls are adorned with captivating stories, and we are thrilled to share this rich heritage with all of you! The inn, nestled in the heart of a region steeped in history, […]

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